Indiana TANF Income Limits Guidelines 2024

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Indiana TANF Income Limits Guidelines 2023 : Indiana’s Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program provides cash assistance to families with dependent children and requires adults to work or prepare for work. Recipients will be provided with supportive assistance while on TANF including: child care services, transportation services, and vehicle repairs.

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Indiana TANF Income Limits Guidelines 2023

Who is eligible for Indiana TANF Benefits?

To be eligible for Indiana Family Assistance, you must be a resident of Indiana, and a U.S. citizen, legal alien or qualified alien. You must be unemployed or underemployed and have low or very low income. You must also be one of the following:

  • Have a child 18 years of age or younger, or
  • Be pregnant, or
  • Be 18 years of age or younger and the head of your household.

How do I apply for Indiana TANF Program?

  • Applications may be made in person, by mail, on-line or by fax.
  • To apply on-line, visit the FSSA Benefits Portal.
  • To apply in person, locate your local office.
  • To apply by mail, request an application be sent to you by contacting the customer service line @ (800)403-0864. The completed application would then need to be mailed to: FSSA Document Center, P O Box 1810, Marion, IN 46952, faxed to (800)403-0864 or hand delivered to a local DFR office.

What is Indiana TANF?

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families is a program that provides cash assistance and supportive services to assist families with children under age 18, helping them achieve economic self-sufficiency.

Indiana TANF Income Limits Guidelines 2023

Assistance group size Gross income standard Net income standard
1 $286.75 $139.50
2 471.75 229.50
3 592.00 288.00
4 712.25 346.50
5 832.50 405.00
6 952.75 463.50
7 1073.00 522.00
8 1193.25 580.50
9 1313.50 639.00
10 1433.75 697.50
Each Additional Member
  +120.25 +58.50

Who is eligible for TANF cash assistance?

Children under 18 who are living with their parent(s) or relative such as a grandparent, aunt, uncle etc., who meet specific nonfinancial criteria and whose countable family monthly income meets the following income guidelines.

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What are the responsibilities of the applicant for or recipient of TANF cash assistance?

The applicant or recipient must provide the Division of Family Resources with accurate and complete information regarding the child(ren), parent(s) and all other household members whose income and needs are to be assessed in order to determine eligibility.

  • Individuals must provide Social Security numbers and meet state residency, citizenship/ immigration status, employment and child support assignment requirements.
  • As a condition of eligibility for TANF, adult applicants deemed mandatory for IMPACT, Indiana’s employment and training program, are required to attend Applicant Job Search Orientation and complete 20 days of Applicant Job Search activities. Failure to complete the Applicant Job Search program without good cause will result in the denial of the application for cash assistance.
  • The applicant or recipient is responsible to report any changes in circumstances to DFR within 10 days of the date the changes occurred.

How does the Division of Family Resources determine the amount of cash assistance?

A review is done of all the income available to meet the needs of the family. Some of the types of income considered are wages, unemployment benefits, Social Security benefits and child support. Available income is compared to a need standard. The need standard is based on the family size.

May a family have any real or personal property?

A family may not possess assets valued in excess of $1,000 at the time application for assistance is made. The house, which is the usual residence, is exempt.

What happens after the application is filed?

A decision will be made to grant assistance within 60 days of the date of application, unless there is a valid reason that prevents DFR from making a decision. For applicants not meeting all conditions of eligibility, a decision to deny assistance will be made no later than 61 days after the date of application.

How much is the TANF cash assistance payment?

Payments vary based on the family’s countable monthly income up to the maximum allowable amounts listed in the following charts.

Group Size
Recipient Parent
and/or Caretaker
1 $139 $139
2 $229 $198
3 $288 $256
4 $346 $315
5 $405 $373
6 $463 $432
7 $522 $490
8 $580 $549
9 $639 $607

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What if an applicant or recipient is not satisfied with an action taken on their case?

The applicant or recipient has the right to appeal any action on his or her case and have a fair hearing. An applicant or recipient may appeal by sending a written request to the local DFR office or to the Hearings and Appeals Section of DFR within 33 days of the date of the action or issue being appealed.

Indiana Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Program

The Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program in Indiana serves as a vital lifeline for families facing economic hardship. TANF is designed to provide financial assistance to low-income families and help them meet their basic needs. One of the key aspects of the TANF program is income eligibility, which is determined by a set of income limits. In 2023, Indiana has established specific income thresholds that determine who can qualify for assistance. In this article, we will delve into the Indiana TANF income limits for 2023 and shed light on how they impact families in need.

Understanding Indiana TANF Income Limits

The TANF program operates with the aim of alleviating poverty and promoting self-sufficiency among eligible families. One of the fundamental factors in determining eligibility is the size of the household, as larger families typically have higher expenses. Indiana’s TANF program takes this into account by establishing income limits based on household size.

For a household with just one member, the gross income standard is $286.75, with a net income standard of $139.50. As the household size increases, both the gross and net income standards rise incrementally. For example, a family of four must have a gross income below $712.25 and a net income below $346.50 to qualify for TANF assistance.

Additional members beyond the initial household size contribute to the income limits. Each additional member adds $120.25 to the gross income standard and $58.50 to the net income standard. This reflects the understanding that larger families often have higher living expenses.

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Impact on Indiana Families

The income limits are a critical component of the TANF program, as they ensure that assistance is directed to those who need it most. By setting these limits, the program aims to strike a balance between helping families in poverty while also encouraging self-sufficiency and employment. Here’s how these limits can impact Indiana families:

  • Providing Assistance: Families whose income falls below the established limits are eligible to receive TANF assistance. This financial aid can be a crucial safety net for families struggling to cover basic necessities such as food, shelter, and clothing.
  • Encouraging Self-Sufficiency: TANF has work requirements for recipients, emphasizing the importance of employment and financial independence. By setting income limits, the program encourages families to actively seek employment and take steps toward self-sufficiency.
  • Supporting Larger Families: The incremental increase in income limits for larger households recognizes that these families often face higher expenses. It ensures that assistance is proportionate to the family size, reducing the risk of larger families falling into poverty.
  • Flexibility for Changing Circumstances: The TANF program’s income limits provide some flexibility for families whose circumstances change. As their family size grows or shrinks, the income limits adjust accordingly, allowing them to maintain access to assistance when needed.

Conclusion – Indiana TANF Income Limits Guidelines 2023

The Indiana TANF income limits for 2023 play a pivotal role in determining who qualifies for assistance under the program. These limits take into account household size and offer a balanced approach to addressing the needs of low-income families while promoting self-sufficiency.

By understanding these income limits, families in Indiana can better assess their eligibility for TANF assistance and work towards improving their financial stability. The TANF program remains a valuable resource for those in need, helping them navigate challenging times and build a brighter future for their families.

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