What is the monthly income limit for Medicaid in Louisiana 2024

Category: usa-programs || Author: Lalchand || Update: 2024-02-02

Medicaid plays a crucial role in ensuring that individuals and families have access to essential healthcare services. In Louisiana, the income limits for various Medicaid programs are determined based on family size. In this article, we will explore the monthly income limits for different Medicaid programs in Louisiana for the year 2024.

What is the monthly income limit for Medicaid in Louisiana 2024

What is the monthly income limit for Medicaid in Louisiana 2024

Medicaid Programs and Income Limits:

Family Opportunity Act - for Children with Disabilities:

  • Family Size: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
  • Monthly Income Limits: $3,645 $4,930 $6,215 $7,500 $8,785 $10,070 $11,355 $12,640

LaCHIP - for Children:

  • Family Size: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
  • Monthly Income Limits: $2,637 $3,567 $4,496 $5,425 $6,355 $7,284 $8,214 $9,143

LaCHIP Affordable Plan - for Children:

  • Family Size: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
  • Monthly Income Limits: $3,099 $4,191 $5,283 $6,375 $7,468 $8,560 $9,652 $10,744

LaMOMS - for Pregnant Women:

  • Family Size: Not specified
  • Monthly Income Limits: $2,268 $2,895 $3,450 $4,042 $4,633 $5,224 $5,815

Medicaid Purchase Plan - for Workers with Disabilities:

  • Monthly Income Limits: $1,215 $1,644

Medicare Savings Program:

For payment of Medicare premiums, copays & deductibles:

  • Monthly Income Limits: Not specified

For payment of Part B premiums only:

  • Monthly Income Limits: $1,215 $1,641 $1,644 $2,219

TAKE CHARGE PLUS - Family Planning Services:

  • Family Size: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
  • Monthly Income Limits: $1,677 $2,268 $2,859 $3,450 $4,042 $4,633 $5,224 $5,815

Adult Group (Medicaid Expansion) - Ages 19 through 64 without Medicare:

  • Family Size: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
  • Monthly Income Limits: $1,677 $2,268 $2,859 $3,450 $4,042 $4,633 $5,224 $5,815

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What is the monthly income limit for Medicaid in Louisiana 2024

Family Opportunity Act - For Children with Disabilities:

  • Family Size 1:  Monthly Income Limit: $3,645
  • Family Size 2:  Monthly Income Limit: $4,930
  • Family Size 3:  Monthly Income Limit: $6,215
  • Family Size 4:  Monthly Income Limit: $7,500
  • Family Size 5:  Monthly Income Limit: $8,785
  • Family Size 6:  Monthly Income Limit: $10,070
  • Family Size 7:  Monthly Income Limit: $11,355
  • Family Size 8:  Monthly Income Limit: $12,640

What is the monthly income limit for Medicaid in Louisiana 2024

LaCHIP - For Children:

  • Family Size 1:  Monthly Income Limit: $2,637
  • Family Size 2:  Monthly Income Limit: $3,567
  • Family Size 3:  Monthly Income Limit: $4,496
  • Family Size 4:  Monthly Income Limit: $5,425
  • Family Size 5:  Monthly Income Limit: $6,355
  • Family Size 6:  Monthly Income Limit: $7,284
  • Family Size 7:  Monthly Income Limit: $8,214
  • Family Size 8:  Monthly Income Limit: $9,143

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What is the monthly income limit for Medicaid in Louisiana 2024

LaCHIP Affordable Plan - For Children:

  • Family Size 1:  Monthly Income Limit: $3,099
  • Family Size 2:  Monthly Income Limit: $4,191
  • Family Size 3:  Monthly Income Limit: $5,283
  • Family Size 4:  Monthly Income Limit: $6,375
  • Family Size 5:  Monthly Income Limit: $7,468
  • Family Size 6:  Monthly Income Limit: $8,560
  • Family Size 7:  Monthly Income Limit: $9,652
  • Family Size 8:  Monthly Income Limit: $10,744

What is the monthly income limit for Medicaid in Louisiana 2024

LaMOMS - For Pregnant Women:

  • Family Size 1:  Monthly Income Limit: $2,268
  • Family Size 2:  Monthly Income Limit: $2,895
  • Family Size 3:  Monthly Income Limit: $3,450
  • Family Size 4:  Monthly Income Limit: $4,042
  • Family Size 5:  Monthly Income Limit: $4,633
  • Family Size 6:  Monthly Income Limit: $5,224
  • Family Size 7:  Monthly Income Limit: $5,815

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What is the monthly income limit for Medicaid in Louisiana 2024

Medicaid Purchase Plan - For Workers with Disabilities:

  • Family Size 1:  Monthly Income Limit: $1,215
  • Family Size 2:  Monthly Income Limit: $1,644

What is the monthly income limit for Medicaid in Louisiana 2024

TAKE CHARGE PLUS - Family Planning Services:

  • Family Size 1:  Monthly Income Limit: $1,677
  • Family Size 2:  Monthly Income Limit: $2,268
  • Family Size 3:  Monthly Income Limit: $2,859
  • Family Size 4:  Monthly Income Limit: $3,450
  • Family Size 5:  Monthly Income Limit: $4,042
  • Family Size 6:  Monthly Income Limit: $4,633
  • Family Size 7:  Monthly Income Limit: $5,224
  • Family Size 8:  Monthly Income Limit: $5,815

What is the monthly income limit for Medicaid in Louisiana 2024

Adult Group (Medicaid Expansion) - Ages 19 through 64 Without Medicare:

  • Family Size 1:  Monthly Income Limit: $1,677
  • Family Size 2:  Monthly Income Limit: $2,268
  • Family Size 3:  Monthly Income Limit: $2,859
  • Family Size 4:  Monthly Income Limit: $3,450
  • Family Size 5:  Monthly Income Limit: $4,042
  • Family Size 6:  Monthly Income Limit: $4,633
  • Family Size 7:  Monthly Income Limit: $5,224
  • Family Size 8:  Monthly Income Limit: $5,815

FAQ's - What is the monthly income limit for Medicaid in Louisiana 2024

Q: What is the Family Opportunity Act, and what are the monthly income limits for children with disabilities in Louisiana in 2024?

Ans: The Family Opportunity Act in Louisiana provides assistance to families with children having disabilities. The monthly income limits for eligibility vary based on the family size. For instance, for a family of four, the income limit is $7,500 per month.

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Q: What is LaCHIP, and how do its income limits vary for children in Louisiana in 2024?

Ans: LaCHIP, designed for children in Louisiana, offers different income limits depending on the family size. For a family of three, the monthly income limit is $4,496, ensuring accessibility to healthcare for eligible children.

Q: Can you explain the income limits for the LaCHIP Affordable Plan for children in Louisiana in 2024?

Ans: The LaCHIP Affordable Plan provides additional assistance for children in need. For a family of six, the monthly income limit is $8,560, reflecting the program's commitment to supporting families with varying financial circumstances.

Q: What are the income limits for LaMOMS, a program for pregnant women in Louisiana in 2024?

Ans: LaMOMS, catering to pregnant women in the state, has income limits based on family size. For example, for a family of two, the monthly income limit is $2,895, ensuring pregnant women have access to necessary healthcare services.

Q: Could you provide details on the income limits for the Medicaid Purchase Plan targeting workers with disabilities in Louisiana in 2024?

Ans: The Medicaid Purchase Plan assists workers with disabilities, and its income limits are contingent on family size. For a family of one, the monthly income limit is $1,215, ensuring affordability for those in need.

Q: What are the income limits for the Medicare Savings Program in Louisiana in 2024, specifically for payment of Medicare premiums, copays, and deductibles?

Ans: The Medicare Savings Program in Louisiana has varying income limits based on family size. For a family of two, the monthly income limit for comprehensive coverage, including premiums, copays, and deductibles, is $1,641.

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Q: How do the income limits differ for the Medicare Savings Program when only covering Part B premiums in Louisiana in 2024?

Ans: The income limits for the Medicare Savings Program in Louisiana, focusing on Part B premiums only, vary based on family size. For instance, for a family of three, the monthly income limit is $2,219.

Q: Can you explain the income limits for TAKE CHARGE PLUS, a family planning services program in Louisiana in 2024?

Ans: TAKE CHARGE PLUS, providing family planning services, has income limits based on family size. For a family of four, the monthly income limit is $3,450, ensuring accessibility to crucial family planning services.

Q: What are the income limits for the Adult Group (Medicaid Expansion) for individuals aged 19 through 64 without Medicare in Louisiana in 2024?

Ans: The Adult Group under Medicaid Expansion offers coverage for individuals aged 19 through 64 without Medicare. For a family of five, the monthly income limit is $4,042, enabling eligible individuals to access expanded healthcare services.

Q: How can individuals determine their eligibility for these Medicaid programs in Louisiana in 2024?

Ans: Individuals can determine their eligibility by comparing their household's monthly gross income with the specified income limits for the respective Medicaid programs. Eligible individuals can then apply for these programs through the appropriate channels, ensuring access to essential healthcare services.

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Conclusion: What is the monthly income limit for Medicaid in Louisiana 2024

Navigating the monthly income limits for Medicaid in Louisiana in 2024 requires a thorough understanding of the specific thresholds set for different programs and family sizes. By familiarizing oneself with these limits, individuals and families can ensure they meet the eligibility criteria for the program that best suits their healthcare needs. Access to affordable and comprehensive healthcare is a fundamental right, and staying informed about income limits is a crucial step towards realizing this right for the residents of Louisiana.

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